Where to start?
My name is Cátia, I’m 34 years old and I currently live in the north of Portugal. Two words sum me up: Introvert and perfectionist (oddly enough, they weren’t my words). Art has always been a part of my life, in different contexts during various phases. And on this path of self-knowledge and dreams, I decided that I wanted to make custom illustrations. Thus, in January 2023, Wonderbee was born, in a fusion of my favorite animal with the wonder of the imaginary. With a lot of study and training, this website came to life and is where I share my illustrations and creations. I hope you’ll stick around to follow my evolution!
If you give up on your dreams, what’s left?
Jim Carrey
Thank you note
Thank you to my beautiful little family;
Thank you to my group of friends that the internet has brought together;
Thank you to my two “sisters-in-law”.
Thank you for all your patience, affection, love and support.